By Popular Request 2.0
By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO
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SerialRouter v1.0 Copyright 1994 Barry McConnell
To copy data between two serial ports.
SerialRouter <device1> <unit1> <device2> <unit2>
Must take exactly four parameters -- there are no defaults. It won't run
from Workbench, sorry.
Example: SerialRouter serial.device 0 a2232.device 4
This small utility opens two serial devices. It sets up CMD_READ requests on
each, then waits for something to arrive at either of them. Once something
does, it is sent to the other using a CMD_WRITE request. It will loop
continuously like this until you send it a Ctrl-C signal.
You might want to do this if you have a multi-port serial card with modems
and terminals connected. If you route a port which has a terminal to a port
which has a modem, you will be able to control the modem remotely!
If either of the devices are already open, this utility will fail. For
speed, the SERF_RAD_BOOGIE bit is set, bypassing the normal parity checks,
XON/XOFF handling, and break signal testing. If you don't like this, change
the source code yourself. :-) Ditto for the SERF_SHARED bit (useful if you
are running a BBS).
It is possible to tell it to open devices other than the serial ports,
however I do not recommend this, and nor have I tried it (so its effect can
be considered undefined for the moment). Routing the gameport.device to the
scsi.device is something you can attempt at your own risk! ;-)
The one thing which might be useful (and which I used for debugging) is
routing the serial.device to the console.device. If you want to do this,
make sure you have the console.device as the *second* device specified on the
command-line. SerialRouter will then open a window for your keyboard input
(and close it when it exits). The default window attributes are hard-coded,
but you can drag and resize it as normal. I find that it won't keep up with
a high-speed connection on my A3000 (although direct serial -> serial works
at any speed).
FreeWare. Do what you like with it, play around with the source code, but
please credit me if you re-use it in your own programs. (Sending me a copy
of that program would be nice, especially if it's commercial!)
This is a very "bare-bones" utility which I am only releasing to the world at
large in case it someone find it (or the source code) useful. It is not
intended to be robust, so you use it entirely at your own risk. In actual
fact, I have not been able to test it myself on more than one serial port: a
friend of mine (Andrew Mowatt -- quick plug, Nemesis' Dungeon BBS on +353 1
832 4755 / 832 6900) asked me to write it, and he says it works fine.
Contacting me:
Snail mail: Barry McConnell,
"Piper's Hollow",
Hillcrest Road,
Dublin 18,
Internet: bmccnnll@unix1.tcd.ie
FidoNet: 2:263/150.2